Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 14, 2020 - From Private Helicopters To Concierge Doctors, Inequality Is A 'Big Business'

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TradeBriefs Editorial

From the Editor's Desk

How to improve communication with coworkers during social distancing

When you are around other people, you get a lot of information about their feelings and motivations. You see the smile in their eyes and mouth as they make requests and give you feedback. You hear their tone of voice as they respond to questions. In real conversation, the feedback you get is immediate. People are nodding along as you speak. You ask a question, and they respond immediately.

In this era of social distancing, it is hard to get these social cues. Low-bandwidth internet can make it hard to catch the tone of voice or the facial expressions of people you're talking to. You can't see them all on the phone. And a query you send out by email might take hours (or even days) to elicit a response.

You end up filling the void with your own thoughts. Chances are, you're pretty stressed right now, so you are likely to interpret other people's behavior in the most dire way.

Continued here

TradeBriefs: What's important, not just what's popular!

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Bill Gates Says the Coronavirus Will Change Life Forever. Here's How to Adapt
Bill Gates Says the Coronavirus Will Change Life Forever. Here's How to Adapt
In a recent interview, Bill Gates shared some predictions about the new normal that can help your company.

This company pays kids to do their math homework
This company pays kids to do their math homework
Mohamad Jebara loves mathematics -- but he's concerned that too many students grow up thinking that this beautiful, rewarding subject is difficult and boring. His company is experimenting with a bold idea: paying students for completing weekly math homework. He explores the ethics of this model and how it's helping students -- and why learning math is crucial in the era of fake news.

How Joe Biden won over Bernie Sanders — and the Democratic Party
How Joe Biden won over Bernie Sanders — and the Democratic Party
Joe Biden and the power of transactional politics.

Beijing tightens grip over coronavirus research, amid US-China row on virus origin
Beijing tightens grip over coronavirus research, amid US-China row on virus origin
China has imposed restrictions on the publication of academic research on the origins of the novel coronavirus, according to a central government directive and online notices published by two Chinese universities, that have since been removed from the web.

'Ghosts' scare Indonesians indoors and away from coronavirus
'Ghosts' scare Indonesians indoors and away from coronavirus
Kepuh village in Indonesia has been haunted by ghosts recently – mysterious white figures jumping out at unsuspecting passersby, then gliding off under a full-moon sky.

The case for ending the Covid-19 pandemic with mass testing
The case for ending the Covid-19 pandemic with mass testing
By one estimate, America may need 35 million Covid-19 tests per day for people to return to work.

How monkeys, ferrets, and horses are helping scientists fight Covid-19
How monkeys, ferrets, and horses are helping scientists fight Covid-19
Mice, monkeys, cats, dogs, ferrets, chickens, and even horses are critical for coronavirus research.

Trump's latest coronavirus press briefing featured one of his most memorable meltdowns yet
Trump's latest coronavirus press briefing featured one of his most memorable meltdowns yet
"When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total."

Coronavirus lockdown spares Czech women an Easter whipping
Coronavirus lockdown spares Czech women an Easter whipping
A Czech Easter fertility ritual - involving lightly whipping women - is scrapped due to coronavirus.

Our offices will never be the same after COVID-19. Here's what they could look like
Our offices will never be the same after COVID-19. Here's what they could look like
Eventually we will have to go back to our offices. But how will work… work?


How to stop caring what people think about you
How to stop caring what people think about you
It's not simple. But it's part of being human.

How India's young IAS officers ensured a smooth lockdown in every corner of the country
How India's young IAS officers ensured a smooth lockdown in every corner of the country
The IAS officers were responsible for locking down the country block by block, and ensuring contact-tracing, supply of essential goods and checking hoarding.


Coronavirus: Raspberry Pi-powered ventilator to be tested in Colombia
Coronavirus: Raspberry Pi-powered ventilator to be tested in Colombia
The design by a man in California will undergo a fast-tracked process in the Latin American country.

Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll
Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll
A Pew Research poll released yesterday says that most Americans rank former President Barack Obama as the best president of their lifetimes.

Ministers Return To Work, Staff Struggle Without Public Transport
Ministers Return To Work, Staff Struggle Without Public Transport
Union Ministers and officers have started to return to their offices this morning, two days after a directive that all government officials who are entitled to official vehicles should return to work. The move to resume work in ministries comes nearly a month after the government issued work from home protocols in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic and Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressing on Saturday that "Jaan bhi jahaan bhi (both life and economy are important)" as the lockdown has put severe stress on businesses.


Pop-up bike lanes help with coronavirus physical distancing in Germany
Pop-up bike lanes help with coronavirus physical distancing in Germany
Road markings redrawn after cyclists demand more space to comply with Covid-19 rules


Coronavirus: What's happening to the beer left in pubs?
Coronavirus: What's happening to the beer left in pubs?
Millions of pints of ale and lager could be lost if pub closures last into the summer.


Why it's too early to start giving out "immunity passports"
Why it's too early to start giving out
Imagine, a few weeks or months from now, having a covid-19 test kit sent to your home. It's small and portable, but pretty easy to figure out. You prick your finger as in a blood sugar test for diabetics, wait maybe 15 minutes, and bam—you now know whether or not you're immune to coronavirus.  If…

South Korea to ship test kits to U.S. this week
South Korea to ship test kits to U.S. this week
A Maryland-bound U.S. cargo flight will depart from Incheon International Airport on Tuesday, carrying test kits supplied by two companies, according to a foreign ministry official in Seoul.


Whoosh! That Car That Just Soared by Might Be Heading for the Coast
Whoosh! That Car That Just Soared by Might Be Heading for the Coast
With far less traffic thanks to coronavirus-induced quarantines, drivers are pushing down hard on their accelerators. Tickets, and records, are the result.

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