$620 for an HIV diagnosis: Russians buy their way out of military service on TelegramOn Monday, Dima and his friends each paid a minivan driver $170 for a perilous, nearly 250-mile journey from a Russian city close to the border to Tbilisi. It’s estimated that as many as 10,000 Russians are crossing the Georgia border every day — just one stream in a massive exodus out of Russia over the last two weeks. More than 260,000 people have fled the country since the announcement of the partial mobilization.Telegram is now home to a cottage industry of services designed to help reservists like Dima avoid military service, offering everything from transportation to falsified HIV and hepatitis diagnoses, and other forged documents, sometimes sold in exchange for bitcoins. These groups have also become a place where people hawk services ranging from $34,100 flight tickets out of Russia to currency exchange, accommodation, job opportunities, and even permanent residency in popular destinations such as Kazakhstan.
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